Trading Floors
Oaksys Tech specialise in the design, construction
and implementation of international trading
floors for financial and commodity markets. This
is a highly complex process with stringent quality
controls and demanding time scales. As part of
the process, we help our clients improve the
effectiveness of their own in-house teams.
Oaksys Tech Ltd
We operate in the business arena of high net
worth individuals. Our clients have exacting
needs. Part of the requirement is to provide a
safe and secure business environment.
We help to evaluate the potential risks and
devise appropriate measures to ensure client
safety and privacy.
Want to know more?
+44 207 193 9654
Call us to discuss your needs.
Charles Smith
A long history in
Information Technology
Charles first worked with computers in
1979. Since then he’s worked on
technology projects around the world in
Government, Shipping, transport, financial
industry and tourism. As part of his
labours, he produced a fully working menu
and ordering computer system for take-
away food outlets. He discovered a few
months later that a company called Just
Eat had a two year head start on his
project. At that point, other well paying
project work came along and killed off the
idea of Now it is time to make
good use of the name.